Downloads Google Chrome Folder

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Due to security concerns, Chrome API doesn't let developers to allow their users to download files outside Downloads folder. So, there's a workaround on how you can achieve this. Access your browser's settings by clicking on the three vertical dots and selecting Settings. Scroll down and click on Advanced. Scroll down to the Downloads tab. There, you will see two available options. The first one is called Location, which represents the folder where your downloaded files will be stored in.

  1. Downloads Folder In Google Chrome
  2. Downloads Google Chrome Folder Extension

In most cases, our PC can acquire malware or viruses by downloading a program that, although it seemed legal, was not. So today we will show you how to block file downloads from Google Chrome on your Windows 10 PC so you don't have to worry about it again.

Google Chrome is one of the most used browsers in the world. If you always keep it updated to its latest version , you will see that they have endless tools that can be very useful when browsing the web. Among these, you should know, since it has its own download manager.

However, this internal manager is not the only one you can use. This is of vital importance, especially if your computer is shared with several people, and you want to avoid the risk that one of them will download a file with some kind of virus. Add pdf printer to mac. Therefore, in the next section we will tell you how to block downloads.

Steps to block file downloads from Google Chrome on my Windows 10 PC

One thing you can do to prevent malicious software from being inadvertently downloaded to your PC is to block downloads from your browser. This process is really simple, and we anticipate that it is different from limiting the download speed of Google Chrome, because in this case you will block it completely.

It is necessary that we make a difference between Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Home in this case, since the procedure to block file downloads from Google Chrome is different in each version. However, you should not worry, as in both cases they are simple processes.

Downloads Google Chrome Folder

In the case of Windows 10 Pro , the first thing you should do is type ‘gpedit' in the search engine on the Windows 10 taskbar. If you have a problem opening this search engine , we recommend that you solve it first. Then, go to ‘Administrative Templates' and search for ‘Google', and then ‘Google Chrome'. Call internet explorer.

Once you have done this procedure, you just need to enable the ‘Allow download restrictions' box , choosing the option to ‘Block all downloads' if you wish. With this, you will have already blocked downloads from Google Chrome on your Windows 10 Pro PC.

Can I block downloads from Google Chrome with Windows 10 Home?

The process to block file downloads from Google Chrome on a PC with Windows 10 Home is a bit more complex than the process with Windows 10 Pro. However, here we will explain it step by step, so that you can carry it out without problems .

Downloads Google Chrome Folder

In the case of Windows 10 Pro , the first thing you should do is type ‘gpedit' in the search engine on the Windows 10 taskbar. If you have a problem opening this search engine , we recommend that you solve it first. Then, go to ‘Administrative Templates' and search for ‘Google', and then ‘Google Chrome'. Call internet explorer.

Once you have done this procedure, you just need to enable the ‘Allow download restrictions' box , choosing the option to ‘Block all downloads' if you wish. With this, you will have already blocked downloads from Google Chrome on your Windows 10 Pro PC.

Can I block downloads from Google Chrome with Windows 10 Home?

The process to block file downloads from Google Chrome on a PC with Windows 10 Home is a bit more complex than the process with Windows 10 Pro. However, here we will explain it step by step, so that you can carry it out without problems .

  • The first step is very similar, because you must go to the Windows 10 taskbar and type in the search engine, but this time you will type ‘regedit'. This will allow you to run the Windows Registry Editor .
  • Once you have opened it, in the left sidebar you must find the folder called ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER' and click on the arrow that is immediately on the left to display its content.
  • Then, you must look for the ‘Software' folder within it and display its content. Repeat this also with the ‘Policies' folder. Within this there should be a Google rule . If it doesn't exist, you will have to create it as we explain below.
  • To create the rule you must right-click inside the ‘Policies' folder and choose the ‘New rule' option. This will create a folder that you will name ‘Google' . Repeat this procedure inside the Google folder, creating a rule for Chrome. You can skip this step if this rule already appeared in your Registry Editor.
  • Once inside the Chrome folder, you must create (by right clicking again) a new 32-bit DWORD value and name it ‘DownloadRestrictions' and put the number 3 as a value. This way you will be blocking all Google Chrome downloads.

Downloads Folder In Google Chrome

Keep in mind that you can also limit Google Chrome downloads from the browser , as indicated by the official Google Chrome Enterprise Help page. In either case, that is the whole procedure you must follow to block file downloads from Google Chrome on your PC.

Downloads Google Chrome Folder Extension

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